New Omicron Booster Only Tested On 8 Mice, CDC Director Says Everyone 12 plus Must Take
Kim Iversen: New Omicron Booster Only Tested On 8 Mice, CDC Director Says Everyone 12+ Must Take
It's strange how these people just avoid the obvious. The agenda is so crystal clear a blind man can see what's going on.????We need more people like Kim that can corner these talking heads and get real

The original shot was "tailored" to the original strain and this new shot is "tailored" to the new variant but who's to say its going to be any more effective, the original shot sure wasn't effective against the original strain and I'm no virologist but I'm pretty sure all the break out cases helped the virus evolve to be more infectious so who's to say this new shot is not going to create more breakout cases pushing the current dominate strain to evolve out of control again.