City of Santo Domingo
Joined July 25, 2022

Pics & Vids

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@RoswiloD February 4, 2024
Ladybugs are voracious predators of aphids, mites, and other garden pests. A single ladybug can consume up to 5,000 aphids in its lifetime. Farmers and gardeners often welcome these colorful beetles as a natural form of pest control, helping to keep plant-eating insects in check.

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@RoswiloD February 4, 2024
Ancient Romans used a sponge on a stick, known as a "spongia," as a primitive form of toilet paper. The sponge was kept in a bucket of saltwater and shared among people in public restrooms. It might not be the most glamorous aspect of Roman life but it's an interesting glimpse into their habits

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@RoswiloD December 31, 2023
I wish you all a fantastic New Year filled with joy, success, and wonderful experiences. May it be a year of growth, positivity, and fulfillment for you! #2024 #bestwishes

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@RoswiloD December 31, 2023
The flavor of coffee can vary widely depending on factors such as the bean's origin, roast level, and brewing method. Common flavor notes include fruity, nutty, chocolatey, floral, and spicy, among others. #Coffee #Flavor #nutty #brewing

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@RoswiloD December 31, 2023
Coffee beans come from the seeds of the Coffea plant. The two main types of coffee beans are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are generally considered to have a more desirable flavor, while Robusta beans have a stronger, more bitter taste. 🍵 #coffee #facts

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@RoswiloD February 12, 2023
#SerieDelCaribe2023l Los Tigres del Licey derrotan 3-0 a los Leones del Caracas para coronarse campeones de la Serie del Caribe 2023. Es el titulo 1 1 de los azules y e122 de la Repablica Dominicana como pars. #DiarioLibre #TigresDeILicey #RepOblicaDominicana #Venezuela #Sangreazul

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@RoswiloD January 24, 2023
Buen provecho familia!! 🇩🇴🇩🇴 Locrio de salami ... pero que locrio🇩🇴🇩🇴

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@RoswiloD January 16, 2023
De esos 20 los 10 que deberían haber pasado son: Mr. Perú, Mr. India, Mr. Philiphines, Mr. Venezuela, Mr. Czech Republic, Mr. Poland, Mr. Malta, Mr. Canadá, Mr. USA y Mr. República Dominicana
Shared Media

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@RoswiloD January 3, 2023
Government benefits under mental disabilities. Social Security Disability Benefits, SNAP for food, and ACA insurance to get their various sellable psych meds (that can be resold at a profit). #Mental #Illness #Gender #dysphoria