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Atlanta, GAUSA


Russell Brand Fans Login to follow!
@RussellBrandFans April 4, 2023
The #StatesOfViolence exhibition in London @Stella_Assange - on until 8th April #FreeAssange #FreeSpeech
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The #StatesOfViolence exhibition in London @Stella_Assange - on until 8th April#FreeAssange #FreeSpeech pic.twitter.com/B3WVukoZ3q
— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) April 2, 2023

Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon January 4, 2023
If they kept thame same energy with all other political propaganda, it wouldn't be an issue. The issue arises when they allow one side to express themselves and not the other. #Maga #FreeSpeech

Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown December 3, 2022
Big L for Elon. This isn’t how free speech works. You don’t silence people, you challenge Ye them. You let truth make a fool out of them. Not silence them and let their bad ideas and hate just fester. Best case scenario, you just made a martyr out of him. #FreeSpeech #Ye #Elon #Twitter

Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias October 20, 2022
Sometimes YE just needs to be heard and that’s ok.. he speaks truths that I think more people need to hear, aren’t we all on here for that.. #Truth #Voicer #FreeSpeech #Ye
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Tulsi Gabbard Fans Login to follow!
@TulsiGabbardFans October 16, 2022
The Democrat Party that I joined—the party of JFK and MLK, Big Tent inclusivity, and fought for free speech, civil liberties — that Party no longer exists. It is now under the complete control of a warmongering, elitist cabal. That is why I left, and why I ask you to join me. #tulsiGabbard #leavingdemocratcparty #freespeech #jfk #mlk
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The Democrat Party that I joined—the party of JFK and MLK, Big Tent inclusivity, and fought for free speech, civil liberties — that Party no longer exists. It is now under the complete control of a warmongering, elitist cabal. That is why I left, and why I ask you to join me. pic.twitter.com/UWv0nBMhU1
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) October 15, 2022

Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL May 15, 2022
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, D., tasked social media companies with doing a better job monitoring speech on their platforms following the deadly mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo Saturday. 🙄 #whitesupremacist #nazis #massshooting #monitoringspeech #FreeSpeech

Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey April 28, 2022
Hopefully Elon is going to have a platform that has an even playing field 😏 #evenplayingfield #freespeech #twitter #elonmusk #democrats #republicans #libertarians

Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL April 27, 2022
BREAKING: Leaked Audio of Twitter Company-Wide Meeting Addressing Elon Musk’s Takeover. MORE TO COME! #twitter #elonmusk #FreeSpeech #paragagrawal
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus April 27, 2022
Freedom of speech also means the freedom to run away from it. Beautiful Free world. He deleted his account in freedom. God bless. #FreeSpeech #twitter #shaunking #whitepower

Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus April 27, 2022
As Elon plans to make the algorithm of Twitter open source, this seems to be the first time regular people will get to view how one of the big social media sites actually function. 😁 #twitter #elonmusk #socialmedia #algorithm #freespeech