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Atlanta, GAUSA
Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson April 6, 2023
Democrats just have too much power. They have brainwashed so many voters. They own all the big cities in America. They own all the big tech companies. They censor any opposition. They will continue to do all this until Americans overwhelmingly vote them out.
Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren January 4, 2023
Communism kills ☠ I'm praying for everyone who has been brainwashed by the spiritual and psychological warfare of the elite which was put here to divide and conquer us. No one deserves to be in this position. #Unhealthy #Nwaneri #Heartfailure #covidvaccine #Covid #Mandate #Vaccinepassports #Forced vaccination #Brainwash
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey July 13, 2022
Inclusiveness or Dangerous Brainwashing?: The Transgender Movement I Kara Danksy EP.152 Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women's #brainwashing #transgendermovement
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Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown March 13, 2022
The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him, the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free." - Aldous Huxley #quotes #brainwash #mentalslavery
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL February 13, 2022
The plot to take over the world. These 13 blood Illuminati families are the scum of the earth. They will do anything in their power to deceive ppl into Submission. #brainwashed #blind #oneworldgovernment
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Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson January 25, 2022
He isn’t wrong 👏👏👏🐑🐑Don't know about that, but they are the type to believe everything they hear, and cannot think for themselves🙄 #brainwashed #accurate #mkultra
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