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Atlanta, GAUSA


Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon September 14, 2022
The COLLAPSE of 2023 will be worse than they're telling us | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris In August, the consumer price index came in at 8.3%. That means that you are spending 8.3% more for all the things you normally buy, all things being equal. #redacted #claytonmorris
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Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL March 12, 2022
If you think inflation is bad now, wait until these fuel prices trickle thru the trucking industry. It will be passed on to the end consumer (EVERYONE THAT BUYS ANYTHING) #consumer #trouble #gasprices #skyhigh #bidenadministration #democratsinpower #thishowitlookslike

Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus December 9, 2021
Wait for it, is coming! New highs in consumer goods as the dollar looses value.