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Atlanta, GAUSA
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL July 12, 2023
I don't know who made this but who ever you are THANK YOU! lsn't it crazy how parents will read all safety information on a car seat and make sure what the expiration date is or if it's safe enough, those same parents will read the ingredient list on their baby lotion is but will research.
Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren March 20, 2023
Crack me up! “As long as it not showing all of your goodies” lol 😂 too funny 😁 I enjoyed this video lots of crazy, fun trends!
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey March 6, 2023
They did this in the new James Bond movie. Bond was infected with a DNA killing virus that targets people and there specific DNA sequence. Foreshadowing in movies is always crazy. #DNA #Data
RoswiloD Login to follow!
@RoswiloD December 21, 2022
I gotta get into this cold plunge. Also me: is there a good video of a ghost mantis murdering a cockroach? Repost: @rushed.d This is crazy and satisfying 👀 #jump #fly #skyline #crazy #vertigo #skill #balls #wtfmemes #video #viral #extreme #travel #awesome #rushed
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 20, 2022
The crazy part is that if it were a famous designer that did this, it would be considered bold or innovative and some ppl would actually turn this into a trend Lol 🤣
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL November 14, 2022
This is what the left wants for America. What kind of crazy world do we live in when killing a baby is more important to someone that food on their table. Praying for this Nation to have a revival of their spirit because what they are choosing is unhealthy #abortionismuerder #murder #inflation #foodshortage
Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown October 20, 2022
Omg this is crazy.. 🤣 🤣 🤣 #democratmedia #MainstreamMedia
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus September 17, 2022
What's crazy is that everybody ended up getting the Rona anyway... As predicted. Nobody has apologized for the global scale demonization, discrimination, and loss of human decency. Everybody is just carrying on like all is cool and always was. Billions of relationships were damaged over this. #corona #lies #discrimination #medicalfreeedom
Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus July 7, 2022
2 life sentences + 40 years, WITHOUT the possibility of parole, plus $183.9M fine. Almost 2 mil. For drugs. Annnnd then there's Maxwell, selling actual children. Fkn crazy. #ghislainemaxwell #epstein #elites #toponepercent #power #politics
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey January 28, 2022
desantis.news What has this world come to? This is actually not following the science! #crazy #notscience