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Atlanta, GAUSA
Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez April 4, 2023
At first I was brained washed but now I see that they will do anything to get him out of the picture because they are afraid, I'm latino and bought in to the lies but now I and everyone else can see that they will do anything to get rip of people who they are afraid of and can't control. #trump #indictment #demoncrats #politicalpersecution
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Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez January 8, 2023
Héctor Lavoe se puede decir que fue el único latino a la altura de Freddie Mercury, ambos sonaron, dieron felicidad al mundo en géneros distintos y son amados e inolvidables hasta el sol de hoy
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Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias October 20, 2022
Latinos are leaving the liberal left and saying adios to the Democrat party, said syndicated talk show host Rich Valdes on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show. Yikeesss 😬 #Latino #Democrats #Republicans
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Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez August 19, 2022
¡Nuestro orgullo latino! 🎉🎉🥳🎉Plátano Power Dominican Republic #pelotero #orgullodominicano #platanopower #cardenales
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— Cardenales (@cardenales) August 18, 2022
Estamos viviendo la historia escrita por el legendario Albert Pujols. pic.twitter.com/vNcPL0RxYd
Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez July 1, 2022
Latino Conservatives Debate Liberals on the Wall, Amnesty, and Political Polarization (Part 2/2) #trump #hillary #biden #liberal #Conservative #latinos
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Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez July 1, 2022
Liberal Latinos Debate Conservative Latinos on Immigration, Trump, and Racial Identity (Part 1/2) #latinos #trump #hillary #biden #liberal #Conservative
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Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown June 23, 2022
Mayra Flores Sworn In; Are Dems Ignoring WARNING SIGNS On Faltering Latino Support? #mayraflores #midterms #republicans #democrats #libertarian #latino #Latinosupport
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Sonia LS Login to follow!
@SoniaLS June 23, 2022
Latinos Are Not All The Same | Gabriel Iglesias 😂 🤣 😃 #GabrielIglesias #comedy #funnyvideos #funnypost #funnymemes #laugh
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey April 17, 2022
The first thing to pop into your mind when you hear "Latino" is probably people from Latin America - places like Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, etc. But where exactly did the history of that word come #hispanic #latin #colonizer #europeancolonizers #why #do #we #say #latino
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