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Atlanta, GAUSA
Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL April 9, 2022
Jada Pinket is abusing her husband, Will Smith. This is what it looks like when a man is abused and manipulated by a woman. #willsmith #jaidapinket #domesticabuse #manipulative #abused
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Jada Pinket is abusing her husband, Will Smith. This is what it looks like when a man is abused and manipulated by a woman. pic.twitter.com/PP6gV3F1mN
— THE FALL OF IDEALS 15 YEAR CELEBRATION TOUR! (@philthatremains) April 8, 2022
Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL January 5, 2022
Here are the warning signs that you are dealing with an evil person! These individuals are pathological liars, and they’re incredibly manipulative and controlling. #manipulative #evilperson #evilpeople
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