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Atlanta, GAUSA
Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson January 9, 2023
16 year old Ashari Hughes had a heart attack and didn't survive... Where's the national medial Is anyone asking the questions we all want answers to? I remember a time when someone died unexpectedly, news outlets would say the cause of death... Now, it doesn't seem to be addressed... #Elephantintheroom #vaccineinjuries #Covid19 #myocarditis #Cadiarc
Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 19, 2022
If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, incentivized, lied to, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, paid, punished, criminalized, and all of this is necessary to gain your compliance, you can be sure that thing is NOT in your best interest.. 😐 #covidvaccine #McCulloughMD #myocarditis #unvaccinated #vaccinated
Shared Media
Neither Dr Victory nor Dr Drew were surprised with this announcement by the World Council for Health for a global recall of all the mandated products for alarming numbers of excess deaths shortly after administration. pic.twitter.com/JIAknierOS
— Peter McCullough, MD MPH (@P_McCulloughMD) August 18, 2022
Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans August 11, 2022
1 in 100 teens developed heart inflammation after 2x of Pfizer according to a new study. An additional 4 of the 300 participants developed subclinical myocarditis. This is FAR greater than the 1/3000 or 1/10000 or 1/50000 they initially claimed (and continued to reduce). #kimiversen #pfizer
Shared Media
1 in 100 teens developed heart inflammation after 2x of Pfizer according to a new study. An additional 4 of the 300 participants developed subclinical myocarditis. This is FAR greater than the 1/3000 or 1/10000 or 1/50000 they initially claimed (and continued to reduce). https://t.co/tgMhlF2Ccw
— Kim Iversen (@KimIversenShow) August 11, 2022