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Atlanta, GAUSA


Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias April 26, 2024
Both parties imploded the economy with Covid & you're not going back to the old prices. Trump can't fix it. He helped cause it. America is going to be a 3rd world country where you either need a lot of money to live in a safe area or you need to go move in the middle of nowhere. #covid #covidpolicies

Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL November 26, 2023
Honey Never Spoils: Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 #funfacts #honey #bees

Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus August 20, 2023
@calos I'm gonna make some of these for your truck. What color would you like? #old #car #decor

Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown June 2, 2023
The Scarface and The Godfather actor is set to have the child with his 29-year-old girlfriend Noor Alfallah, who is eight months pregnant. Pacino and Alfallah have been quietly dating in the time since the pandemic, and were first spotted together publicly back in April 2022.

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 1, 2023
15yr old girl is raped in the school bathroom by a boy in a dress and the school covered it up as not to interfere with "pride month".

Russell Brand Fans Login to follow!
@RussellBrandFans April 30, 2023
"THAT'S F*CKING CORRUPTION!" Jon Stewart Just Exposed THIS As Jon Stewart presses Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks on #Pentagon fraud, the real criminal is of course a 21-year-old for uncovering that the government has been misrepresenting how the war in #Ukraine is going...
Shared Media

Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson January 9, 2023
16 year old Ashari Hughes had a heart attack and didn't survive... Where's the national medial Is anyone asking the questions we all want answers to? I remember a time when someone died unexpectedly, news outlets would say the cause of death... Now, it doesn't seem to be addressed... #Elephantintheroom #vaccineinjuries #Covid19 #myocarditis #Cadiarc

Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon January 4, 2023
The school lunch menus are still the same and if I had to guess, I have these speakers laying around somewhere waiting on their come backl😂 #Vintage #Old-school

Paul Jones Login to follow!
@PaulJones November 2, 2022
Biden's Gaffe-Filled Speech Sparks Criticism the 79-year-old Democrat made numerous questionable claims and missteps that quickly picked up steam on the internet and drowned out his closing arguments in the often-contentious state. #Gaffe #Speech #Biden

Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren October 22, 2022
The Japanese dwarf flying squirrel is one of two species of Old World flying squirrels in the genus Pteromys. It is native to Japan where it inhabits sub-alpine forests and boreal evergreen forests on Honshu and Kyushu islands. #Japanese #dwarf #flying #squirrel