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Atlanta, GAUSA
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran July 18, 2022
Earlier this month, Ricky Martin was accused of domestic violence and served a restraining order from a person Ricky dated for seven months. #rickymartin #domesticabuse #accused #domesticviolence
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL July 17, 2022
Ricky Martin accused of incest and domestic violence by nephew, lawyer disputes allegations Ricky Martin, 50, could potentially face 50 years in prison if accusations are true #rickymartin #abuseallegations #incest
Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez July 6, 2022
DENUNCIAN a RICKY MARTIN su sobrino y pareja está hablando cosas TERRIBLES #pablorosales #mandafuegoseñor #rickymartin
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