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Atlanta, GAUSA
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran August 6, 2022
BREAKING: Sen. Ted Cruz Cites Project Veritas FBI Leaks When Questioning FBI Director Christopher Wray Over Pattern of Troubling “Politicization” of Bureau During Judiciary Committee Hearing. Good question. What are ya’ll doing?😒 #projectveritas #tedcruz #fbileaks
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Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL May 1, 2022
In Pfizer's documents to the SEC, there are troubling revelations. The company says that profitability this year could be impacted by the Covid vaccine's safety, efficacy and the medical community. #pfizer #covidvaccine #mrna #safety #cdc #fda
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Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL March 12, 2022
If you think inflation is bad now, wait until these fuel prices trickle thru the trucking industry. It will be passed on to the end consumer (EVERYONE THAT BUYS ANYTHING) #consumer #trouble #gasprices #skyhigh #bidenadministration #democratsinpower #thishowitlookslike
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL February 23, 2022
Doesn’t matter nothing is gonna ever get done to any elite on either side just is peasants get in trouble. #peasants #elites