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Atlanta, GAUSA
Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans December 5, 2022
They call YOU a dictator loving fascist while they label all opposition as misinformation, force people to take their medicines that don’t work and tell people to shut up and sit down because they have the wrong color skin. #misinformation #VaccineMandates
Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias September 13, 2022
Businesses across the United States are backing away from covid vaccine mandates. Batya Ungar-Sargon and Robby Soave discuss why these businesses are not publicly talking about their decision to drop vaccine requirements. #covid #covid19 #vaccinemandates #covidvaccines
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Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson July 15, 2022
It's an absolutely frightening insight into the tribal nature of human behavior. That's how every single authoritarian regime ever has come to be #vaccineinjury #VaccineMandates #vaccinechoice #vaccinesideeffects #covid19vaccine #mandate #force #authoritarian
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I still can't get over the fact that millions of people thought it was OK to fire so many good, hardworking people from their jobs... simply because they didn't want to take a new and rushed injection that doesn't prevent viral transmission anyway.
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) July 13, 2022
I lament for humanity.
Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson July 15, 2022
Is this supposed to be a 'conspiracy theory'? Nah, they won't "enforce", they just take away your job, prevent you from travelling, deny you healthcare, but no, no enforcement 😏 #VaccineMandates #covid19vaccine #coercion #conspiracytheorists #conspiracy
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And then 1 year later pic.twitter.com/MwcxcKwqcn
— Ghost (@Ghostvor) July 12, 2022
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 16, 2022
Dr Steve James, who confronted the Health Secretary regarding COVID vaccinations, says NHS staff "do not want to be coerced" into getting a vaccine and making them mandatory is "wrong". #vaccines #covidvaccine #VaccineMandates #choice #bodyauthonomy
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 16, 2022
The “vaccine” should be a choice and only a choice. #vaccineinjuries #vaccinemandates #vaccinechoice #medicaltreatment
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 16, 2022
Utah senator demands answers from CDC, FDA after hundreds of vaccine patients suffer 'life-altering #cdc #VaccineMandates #vaccinesideeffects #vaccineinjuries #accountability #pharma
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Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown January 13, 2022
"The #CDC Director destroyed the Biden regime’s argument for #VaccineMandates – and implicitly acknowledged that we’ve been lied to for two years. It’s a scandal of immense proportions." #VaccineMandates
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